Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/108

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dom from beneath^ which has enabled her^ with the most nnprincipled dexterity and success, so to accommodate and subdue religion to every variety and degree of human yitiosity, that the sins of men have been one of the most produc- tive sources of her tm&thomable revenue. Another object is, to shewj that the refor- mation <tf those churches^ who withdrew firom iUtk dominiftin. That such a view maj not be the moat ctfa- or the neanU in tha field which thej aarr^, than ia anffident xeaaon to admit. Some tiiiasa atand between them and thdr ultimate objeet. These an the tbinsi wbidi lie neev- ert| aiid meat aeoaibly afiiBcty Of mther engroaii tiie ^petite aad expectationB of the pnnaeia. It ii to the xemoval of theae that <Mr jMVMftf eiaia ia confined ; and thejmay be belioTed in lay- ingaow Bat that they do not widi to arrive at the l»KEiBOn»hov- ever dimlj aeen, and that th^ do not denietopOHefli^ theiiH aelvea» the tempoial dren and in pzeaent powwrion of a puri/Seel cathoBe chnidi, ia as palpably ftlae aa ma em oath awom by a zegolar perjuiar. These good people d(S in very deed, exhibit the apteat illuatfation of the wallrknown apologne of ikefoM andike ffrapesy that ma ever enacted bj human im> tatoia of the moat acute of inferior animala. Shouldamnch provoked Fkovidence, emplo jing ita usual instrument, the infii- toation or fcoliBh eraftiness of the guillj, deliver into the haada of the direst eaemy of pure Christianity the sinewB of all al^ tivo exertion, the property qf ikePfeieetmUekueehr'^taenf dotal band of BoBaalaeusta wonldyivithoat loss of a moment^ and with not the digfitest qualm rdalive to lbinflrpiolMQB% thMw their whole bo4y sad finwe oYer the whole sniftee of the land, and eat 19 all ita produce, tiU nelabladeof any things awrOithaii having, remained. The garden of Eden would be thus tuned into a wildemcfls to the eztenninated, ( id ett^ el eeelt ewputm^) but it would still reaudn to them a garden of delist— a garden of the soul, in which thor idola^, the^