Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/111

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of the necessity of a future murder, am I jus- tifiable in taking a part in it ? in failing to re- sist it ? in neglecting to testify against it ? in discouraging those who resist and testify against it? Let roe at least wash my hands from the- guilt. — And as to the effects — the bait of expe- diency — ^the felicitous fruits^ so confidently and openly, or so wilily, yet by implication so cer- tainly anticipated* — after six years waiting and looking for, where are they to be found ? Where are the prophecies of good, putting to complete rout and shame the prophecies of evil ? Where are the showers of blessings so liberally be- spoken, especially for Ireland ? Where is the self-evident and overwhelming assurance, that the infusion of popery into our legislature would be utterly insignificant, and that the popish legislators, (to the surprise of bigotry,) would instantly find their level ? Where are the su- perfluous securities, exacted simply to satisfy the ultra-scrupulous and timorous, the ultimate securities of honour and an oath ? What have almanacs, not very old, registered respecting these matters ? Alas ! alas ! alas ! The God

  • See Debates in the Lords, Ap* S; particularly my ImA

Flunket's, whose left-handed wisdom and modesty hare lo pap UioticaUy feathered Yoa own neet.