Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/140

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dMO IliNVthy of aoUe^ : Sequitur clausula. Item eoneedimns fptod si vere confessus in via moriaJur quod ah omnihus peccatia suis sit pcmtus abmlutus» Ei mhilominus mandamus angelis p<iradvsi guatenus animam illius a purgth tOTxo prorttu ahsahiiaM m paradkiffhnam kUroducant, Thii paiticular spedmen of j^idbne anogiuiee» this order to theaagelBto admit the bohIs of abaoWed papiato to panuUM, ia ganmllj and «xdiiDTalj appropriated to a predeoeaKov demons TI. ; who^ In a bull aanounefaig hia own appointed Jnliilee, in 1350, haaused that identical sentence, and others of about equal impiet/. TheBull is recited in the life of the latter pontiff' ^r>yPeL de Hereniah>, a prior,* in the collection of Baluzc^ Vitts Pap. Aven. i., 310, &c The Editor, feeling for the honour of hia church, and willing to uphold it by any means, has endeavoured in bia Notea, colL 916^ &e. to Uaat the credit of thia teatimoiijr. Itea^ it waa found in hia oi^nal, in the INctionaiy of Albericna a BoaaftOy in John Weaael of Groningent and Com, Agrippa, both of whom atteat ita preaent existence in diffinrent placea with the leaden seal, and in a MS. of the Colbert Library. But Albe- rieus, a cotemporary, did not see it in Rome — just as if popes did nothing which they were ashamed publicly to recognize. Weasel and Agrippa, who are €usumed to be one testimony, tes- tified <tf a fact long anterior to their timoBi and in diataat places ^ «-*4)ie7 both ^eak of the pmeni exiatenoe of the docnmenti (h0^J and if tb«gr did nol fiait the plaoea, they aivAl obtaiH iaibnnalion fnm xeeidents. Antoninus Bp. of Flomoe^ thinks the bull unlikely to be genuine, ( non vidHur^ Ac)— This re- quires no answer. The pope had made another more decorous declaration of the jubilee, as exUmt in the Extrav. Comm., and of which the reader may find an extract in this work, pp. 7~9.^ Jnataaif two difiSnent means in two di£EiBNiitwajBnii(^ bo • Floref&casis. Sec Oudin. de ScriptL £cc Autt. iii. 1218, The plaoeliFlonab* intheooaBtgr»a]idMertbeeilj* of NwBiir. Isuapaot that in C^aoehard'a Geog. Qaaetteer it ia fntaadad under the false aaiiie ef Florcfse— tho f being mlgtaken for the lonp s. It is right in the mnp, i See Wolfii Lect. Mem. i., 714- Wesscl was a very learned man, had trayelled, aod was tried by the Inqoisitors.