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tograph signatmret of the proper Ametionariet.* Iff. Townsend, in his Travels in Spain, informs us, that the Inquisitors of Barcelona^ with whom he was on friendly terma, gave him to understand, that as long as the priesthood should be debarred from mar-* riage, and confessors continue liable to abuse the rianU InguisUorumf by Ant. de Souaa, of Lisbon, Dominican, Hsrter of Thsotogjr, sad Kiog^ Oonaielior, as well as of tlio laqiiiiitioii, printed st Toumoiis ISSS^ cum i^probationibus. Lib» im cap, ndy. is entirely upon the Bdidtuig subject) and it isftiU of exceptions to proof or qnaMcsdon of the oime» peas tlcolsi^ias— 43: 80 that, with sU the loep^holeit ItislMfdlr pOiiiUe thst a doKterons eonfeiior need be cssfi^t sad oooTicted —he maj diive» six in band, thioui^ all the proyiaioiui of the papal bulls witii asmnch flicQity ss certain honomaUe aenafton tiuongh their oaths. liOi the reader recollect, that ibe Inqnisi- tion is ths tribunal to whidi the oofl^ilisnce of the cases m ^nes» tion belongs. • There is a practice precisely to the same effect in Italy, with which I was unacquainted, till I consulted Constitutiones edit, ab Episc. Viterbien. in Synodo 1762. Viterb. 1763. In the Appendix, Num. I. § i. is given Editto del S. Offizio da pubblicarsi, &c. and after heresy and its books, it has exactly the same injunction respect intj the Confessor's abusing his office a tini disonesti, sollecitando in esai i penitent! ad turpiOf &C It is additionally remarkable, that the ^ e^y next Num. recites a Summaiy of the Bolla in Coena Domini, which supplies the matter and authority of the preceding Edict, and that m the year 1762; and from other sources, we know that the bull is still in force, though the precise form is not perhaps now gone through as formerly — ns Dr. J jiL,'Iand in Rome would tell easy Protes- tants, to gull them into the belief, that such intolerance is in hit church a '* by-gone " matter. See Dr. Engiand"'s Explana- tion of the Ceremonies of the Holy Week, &c. Kome, 1833, and the Heview thereof in the Protestant Joumallor 1834« pp. Sas— 230« particularly 227 to 290,