Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/21

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xvii bosom of the Boxnan church, not in conformity with her prec^ts or spirit^ but in opposition to them-*not to her recommendation but to her dis- grace.* It is well if " tiie strong antipathy of good to bad" do not thin her ranks, till there be none remaining, or none but those, whom interest, a spirit of delusion, or sympathy with evil, render fit for her chains and her prison-house. And ail this be^ cause she will not change, — will not reform. ** Wo unto thee, 0 Hohjs, wilt thou not be made clean? when shall it once be?'*— Jer. xiii ult. JOSEPH MENDHAM* Sutton Coldfield^ April 13, 1836.

  • I may be allowed just to refer to the artiiidal and distortod

humanity, so regular in the Roman discipline, and ao trium- phantlj exposed, aa Dr. Murray is concerned, in a Letter df coeo d to bim, and re-publiahed in Binniiigham. What a mockeiy is it, to afiisct to pay off the score of unpitiod, if not approved, tortures and murders of protestants by myriads, whether by legal procass or oig^nised massacre, and with the daatha and sufferings of the protestant clergy of his own coun- tiy, under his almost pieaent inspection— by drivelling and in* fluted himentations over an accidental death produced by a defi- ance of law onginating m the principles and encoungement of his own dnifch and then caricatured into an act of persecution on the part of the really penecnted against that church I And yet into this pahnaiy case of protestant persecution, Mr. O^nneU did not dare to moTO a parilameatary inquifj ; and the horrible ai^ of Bathcormac has been almost ezdustTely left to be trumpeted forth, periodically, as the gieat stock-piece of popeiy, by one, who has all the qualifications, bat the ta- lents, of a complete sacerdotal htcendjsiy.-^See Eneas Maedon* neU'k First Letter in the 7%iMs, 1835