Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/30

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targiorem, imo pletiksimam ommiim snoram concedemus et concedimus veniam peccatorum). The encouragement id added, that the more frequent and devout the visits, the more efiec- toal. The terms here used are not very mea* sured ; no qualification is expressed of the kind E wm 1 as a maxim in the interpretation of indulgences, tantum valent quantum sonant, be applied here, the receivers rf the benefit were under no obli- gation to moderate their view of its extent. The next bull to the same purpose was issued by Clemens YL at the distance of only half a centnry ; for to that period his concern that Christendom should not continue to be deprived of so great a blessing, had reduced it. And this instrument is of the more curiosity and importance, because it declares and de- scribes, by the claimant of the power himself, the Source from whence that power is derived. Christ, says his infallible Vicar, shed, not a moderate drop of blood, which, from his divinity, had sufficed for the universal redemp- tion of man, bnt a copious flood, which he would not have to be useless and superfluous, bat to constitute an inezhaustible treasury fer the militant church. This treasure he did