Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/34

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of it has been given l^y Petit^ Parisj 1677. It is of no great importance to report its contents, as his successors copy from him. The author is remarkable, as being the parent of prodnc* tions of this sort, and the first metropolitan of England ; for the jurisdiction of Angnstine was very limited and short-hved.* I pass therefore to the next successor in that province^ the venerable Beda, our countryman. He has given a work of this description, under the title, De Remediis Peccatorum. And here^ which is all that answers our particular purpose to re* mark, the penance enjoined for all sorts, and the most infamous, of crimes, might, in case of inability (not easily distinguishable from disinclination) to perform the penance, be com- muted by almsgiving, which doubtless went through the hands of the Confessors, or others. Item qui non potest sic agere pcsnitentiam, S^cut superius diximus, in primo anno eroget in eleemosymam solidos viginti tres, pro uno anno in pane et aqua, donet in eleemosynam solidos viginti duos, et in nnaquaque hebdo- made unum diem jejunet ad .nonam, et,alium ad vesperum, et tres quadragesimas ; in se* See S<wm«>i Anglo-Saxon Chnzch ; n teaionable and decinvo antidote to the Intereited pervenions of Lingard.