Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/40

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thmgfi, however^ are dear> tluit the instru- ments in question were intended to excite eiqpectations absolutely onbottxidedj and that they were deiiigiied to be as profitable, in a pecuniary point of view^ as possible. The pre- eise meaning, or any precisicm in the meaiiiiig at all, of the terms, or things. Indulgence, Plenary, the actual benefit obtained, whether temporal, spiritual, or purgatorial, all, or some, and what, with other points, are matter of debate and uncertainty even with the authors themselves.* But quite enough was certain for in mnny of the early printed Horae, and arc inscribed, and to be obtained in the Seven Great Churches of Rome in the present nineteenth century. See Fiscua Papal is by Cra«haw, 1621, and more especially the acute, but not unexceptionable aiithoreas of ^ Eome in the Nineteenth Centurj." Lettexs xli. &c*

  • 8eeCo]]et»«adB«]]anii« deFcmitenfaa» IttMOiifiwBii

Ftolo fleipi'to aoemmt of Adiiaa attempt to fletfle the doo- trlnfl^ and idbna the dirtributm, of IjMlgmoaif ihatbotii the natme and the tahie of them wm matteit of uneertsuity with the heed and nden of the Bonwn efauteh; and the chi^ peni- tentiaiy (a verj compe^t judge) dedaced, Che mtom al valove ddle Indnlgeiue, la quetela d Teeehiay e aneer dubla^ theqneitioneoiUMnihigtiieYaliie of Indidgeiieee is old and yet ddoMil. CkmeU.Tddeiit.pp.21— €kneT»1629. Cnuhaw, in hti Mittimus, or Satea» Ac hi the Seoond Fart, pp. 42, &c. haa detailed the difflcoltiee and hMiftalloiia of BeUai^^ enhjeot ^dtheliTe^anlfaoMof <*BomemiheKhieteiBiith Century*^ Inlbnia na, that, on repeatedly inquiring of a ionple» Biiaded young ftiar In what an Indulgenoe— a plenaiy one— c<mi» rfita, flhe eofold eitnct no other anawer tlian, that it ia a my». C 2