Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/47

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Mlurcliand supposes that they may appear in the Jiegule Cane. Ap, printed at Paris by Bocardy 12, 1499 ; but from inspection I can affij in, they do not. VII. Taxe Cane. Apost foil. 18. EtTaxe sac. Penitentiarie Apost. foil. 4. Barth. Gul* dinbeck. 4. This appears to be the copy for«' merly in possession of Dr. Moore^ Bp. of Nor- wich, and now in the University Library at Cambridge, numbered in the Cat. Libb. MSS. Anglis et Hibern. in the enumeration of the early printed books of Bp. Moore, No. 157. Another copy appears No. 55.* See torn. ii. pp. 380, 2. VIII. Taxa Cancellarie Apost. sub Pontif. Sixto nil. Un. 28, foil. 10, a. Bibl. Josch. wns sold to B. IT. Bright, Esq. 3(), Cadogan-piace, Chelsea; and from intorniation obligingly furnished by him, I discover, that the Taxe, which, T ripprehcnd, are quite unconnecfed with the other work, contain that portion which standi first of the Four in tbc Parisian edition of 1520, XVTII. or in the Oceaaus Juris, XXIII. but ia imperfect towards the end.

  • Of this a friend enables me to say, that it is in a locked

up case (Ab. 4. 63.) It is a thin 4to. lettered Tractatus 1480. The first tract begins, Sequuntur Taxe Cancellarie Apostoliceet primo de Expectativis Rubrlca, and occupies many pages. Then followa Taxe Sacre penitentiarie Aplice feliciter incipiiTt. and ends, tuc taxa duplicatur. JB Finis taxe '27 Sacrc piiiane Aposto- lice. It consists of V2 iblia, and haa no pages, signature, catch- word, date, place, or printer.