Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/67

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XLI. Taxe de la Chanceiehe Romaine^ et la Banqne du Pape, oa Pabflolatioii des enmei, les plus enormes se donne pour Targent^ &c. Angmente d'une nouTelle prefiEMse. A Lmdres (Amsterdam) 1701, in 12. The same edition as No. XXIX. pp. l6Sf with index. to his open declaration of his conversion, be had obtained from the Quitidlan of the Society to which he belonged a testimonial of his character as verum obedimUimfilium, Not however feel- ing secure in his own countiy, he came to England, and in 1673 ■ettled at Oxford, as is mentioned in the text. Ant. Wood says he continiicfl there about four months, and obtained above £60 in charity, from whence he proceeded to Cambridge, ^ thinking to obtain there the like wasn , nnd when that was done, to return, as Hwas conmiooly then reported, to hisfonner religion." Thefe was probably no foundation for this suspicion, but the known anti-protc?tant bigotry of the writer. But this has been honey for such illiberal Romanists as Dr. Milner. In 1 674 he published the " Romanists' Designs detected, &c., which was republished in 1678, London, with a sHght variation of title— Papists' De- algns»** &c. It coTisists of papal documents from Contzen and Costerus, Urban Yin's bullandletters instigating rebellion, Ac. It would be deeiiable to know more of this individual : batenr bi<^Tapheii^ who can spare piiges by wholeasle for pcnons well known, or not worth being known, pass over with peitet unconcern tumm^ f» wlildb alnoot alone a dictio n a iy is eon- suited, or at least needed. It would be almost a self-condema- ing title : but really a dictiooaiy of obscure individuals would be one of the most acespiaUe and Talnable presents wbieh a lite- raiy man could make to the reading public Egan is wcctb twenty poets and novelists. The snarling Wood is flie on^ memorialist of this nseliil writer, of whom no substantiated HI is known. See Atiienft Oxen, last edition, toL It, Fasti, coU. 842,3. Weowsb howerer, nmchgratitadetoalabosionsooni- piler, who^ wheie his pnjndicet do not inleiftNb slwaiya in> structs and gratifies.