Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/70

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The first is that, first given in the Centum Gravamina^ and appended to themj described No. XIX. and copied by Musculus, No. XXVII. by du Pmet, No. XXIX. by Wolfius, No. XXXI. by the Paris editions, which fol- low du Pinet; and substantially by Egane. This recension^ (ijP we may adopt a term from r sacred criticism to avoid the ambiguity of the word^ edition>) is distinguished by the appear- ance of some grosser crimes, to which prices of absolution are affixed^ than are to be found in the other. From what sources the German Princes at the Diet of Nuremburg derived their information does not appear ; but, that such sources existed, and were not inaccessible, is sufficiently evident firom subsequent experience on the same subject ; and the responsibility of their station and duty, together with the pub* licity of the act, are a sufficient guarantee of their fideUty and accuracy. Neither can any objection be deduced from the enormity of the offences thus made pardonable for money, since those very offences are specified in the Peniten- tiary Canons, with their assigned penances and the commutability of these by pecuniary mulcts. Some surprise has been excited by the modera- tion of the taxes in these and similar cases ;