Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/81

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of him in Holland at a great price Ly the Eaii of Oxford.* They contain copies of the Taxad, both Cancenarifld and PoenitentianGe^ in various forms. An extended and able account is given of these interesting volumes in the Catalogue^ which in this part is written by the celebrated Mr. Wanley. But in the following far more extended account^ I entirely rely upon my own examination, which was carefiil, and I am sure> in the main^ accurate. Haal. Cat. Num. 1850, 1851. Tom. L foil, 1—199- Bratiketi^ wUh a spaot MvMfi, ikiu [ ] «^NAf» ^ fPOitb^ or MnliiMM, /ir «6oi«l Mometpact^ emUd not bo made ouibifihe writer. Fol. 1. Circa Expeditiones EeneHciorum Cun- sistoralium, Sfc. Boma ^e, • This learned and useful writer is accused of other acta of Hterary ahduction, particularly from the Royal library in Paris. It is to be lamented that he had not so far unlearued the mora- lity of the church, in which he was bred. This circumstance, however, does not detract from the great aiu! acknowledged va- lue of his literary productions. The account of Aymon in Chal* mcrs is derived from the interested and justlj fitupected pen of Moreri«