Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/9

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THE work which the writer now republishes with a somewhat varied title, with much additional matter, and with other decided improvements, issued from the press originally in 1825, under the name EMANCIPATUS—a name intended to refer to the Emancipation achieved by the blood of martyred British Christians, and enjoyed by himself in common with the whole body of reformed Christians, from the servile yoke and doctrinal corruption of the church of Rome. He retains the fictitious name for the same reason, although he never made any secret of the real one. He considers it of peculiar moment at the present crisis, that Protestants should become acquainted with facts and documents little known to themselves or others ; and respecting which the very parents either possess or affect the most consummate ignorance — if, indeed, in the face of opposite conviction, they do not father their own progeny uponA