Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/218

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[A.D. 1535

Commotes Hundreds and Cantreds, or any of them, in whose Possession soever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof shall stand and be guildable for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united annexed and joined to and with the County of Kayermarthen, as a Member Part or Parcel of the same; and that from and after the said Feast of All Saints, Justice shall be ministered and executed to the King's Subjects and Inhabitants of the said County of Kayermarthen, according to the Laws Customs and Statutes of this Realm of England, and after no Welsh Laws, and in such Form and Fashion as Justice is ministered and used to the King's Subjects within the three Shires of North Wales.

17. And that the Lordships Towns Parishes Commotes Hundreds and Cantreds of Haverfordwest, Kilgarran, Lansteffan, Langeharne otherwise called Tallangherne, Walwynscastle, Dewysland, Lannehadein, Lanfey, Herberth, Slebeche, Rosmarket, Castellan, and Landofleurc, in the said Country of Wales, and every of them, and all Honours Lordships Castles Manors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments, lying and being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships Towns Parishes Commotes Hundreds and Cantreds, or any of them, in whose Possession soever they be or shall be and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united annexed and joined to and with the County of Pembroke; and that from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, Justice shall be ministered and executed to the King's Subjects and Inhabitants of the said County of Pembroke, according to the Laws Customs and Statutes of this Realm of England, and after no Welsh Laws, and in such Form and Fashion as Justice is ministered and used to the King's Subjects within the three Shires of North Wales.

18. And that the Lordships Towns Parishes Commotes Hundreds and Cantreds of Tregaron, Glenergine, Landway, Ureny, in the said Country of Wales, and every of them, and all Honours Lordships Castles Manors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments, lying or being within the Compass or Precinct of the said Lordships Towns Parishes Commotes Hundreds and Cantreds, or any of them, in whose possession soever they be or shall be, and every Part thereof, shall stand and be guildable for ever, from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, and shall be united annexed and joined to and with the County of Cardigan, as a Member Part and Parcel of the same; and that from and after the said Feast of All-Saints, Justice shall be