Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/315

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A.D. 1649]

or any of them by virtue colour or pretence of any Act Ordinance or Order of Parliament for Sequestration of Delinquents estates. Provided moreover And be it Enacted and Ordained by the authority aforesaid That if any person or persons that have complyed with the late King's Forces, or are lyable to Sequestration within the said several and respective Counties and Island of Anglesey, or any of them, shall refuse to pay his or their proportion, as the same shall be rated or taxed and approved of by the said Commissioners or any five of them (towards the raising of the aforesaid fine) within the time herein limited for the payment of the same, such person and persons so refusing are not to have any benefit or immunity by this Act, but are left to be effectually proceeded against according to the several Ordinances of Sequestrations. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such sum and sums of money as are by Ordinance or Order of Parliament charged upon the estates of New Delinquents in North Wales, and payable to persons well affected to the Parliament and to the present Constitution of this Commonwealth (not exceeding in the whole the sum of Four thousand pounds) be according to the true intent and meaning of the said several Ordinances and Orders, paid and discharged out of the said sum of Twenty four thousand pounds. And the Treasurers at Wars are authorized and required to pay and discharge the same accordingly; And to the end this present Act, and the several former Ordinances of Sequestrations may be better put in execution, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Thomas Mitton, John Jones, John Carter, George Twisleton, Thomas Mason, Thomas Madrin, Edmond Glyn, Robert Soutley, Thomas Bale, John Peck, Richard Bassnet, Edward Wyn, Thomas Crichley, Daniel Lloyd, Watkin Kyfifin, William Wyn, Gerard Barbour, Grufiith Glyn, Richard Anwyl, Captain Thomas Pugh, Lewis Lloyd, Peter Meirick, Major Edward Moor, Roger Haumer, Sir John Trevor, John Puleston, Thomas Ravenscroft, John Aldersey, Luke Lloyd, Humphrey Dymmock, Andrew Ellice, Thomas Dymmock, Daniel Matthews, Hugh Courtney, Sir John Wittewrong, Evan Lloyd, Hugh Price, Richard Price, Richard Grufiith, Robert Grufiith, Rice Vaughan, Samuel Big, Edward Owen of Castle Dail, Owen Salusbury, Grufiith Hanney, John Lloyd, Lewis Owen, Robert Vaughan, Robert Owen, Thomas Michael, William Williams or any three or more of them shall be and hereby are constituted and appointed