Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/367

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A.D. 1824]

other Mesne Process, served on him, her, or them in such Actions, and it shall be so testified under the Hand of the Judge who tried such Cause, upon the Back of the Record of Nisi Prius (on such Facts being suggested on the Record or Judgment Roll), a Judgment of Nonsuit shall be entered thereon against the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, and the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs shall pay to the Defendant or Defendants in such Action, his, her, or their Costs of Suit, and the Defendant and Defendants shall have like Remedy to recover the same as in the Case of a Verdict given for the Defendant or Defendants in such Action; and in the Taxation of all Costs allowed and given to the Defendant or Defendants, the proper Officer shall allow to the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, out of the Defendant's Costs, the full Sum given by the Verdict to the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs for his, her, or their Debt or Damages; and although no Judgment shall be entered for the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs upon such Verdict, yet nevertheless such Verdict, without any Judgment entered thereon, shall be an effectual Bar to any Action or Actions commenced in any Court whatsoever by the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs for the same.

22. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall bar or preclude any Person or Persons from commencing and carrying on any Action, and which may be tried at the Assizes at the nearest English County to that Part of the said Dominion of Wales in which the Cause of Action shall be laid, to arise against any Defendant or Defendants so resident in the Dominion of Wales, and obtaining full Costs in such Action, if the Judge before whom the Cause shall be tried shall certify on the Back of the Record that the Title or Freehold of Land was chiefly in question, or that such Cause was proper to be tried in such English County.

23. And for the better preventing vexatious Delays and Expences occasioned by the suing forth Writs of Certiorari for the Removal of Actions, Suits, Causes, or other Proceedings at Law commenced and carried on in any of His Majesty's Courts of Great Session in Wales, and for regulating in future the issuing of such Writs; be it further enacted, That from and after the Sixth Day of November which shall be in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, no Writ of Certiorari shall be granted, issued forth, or allowed, to remove any Action, Bill, Plaint, Cause, Suit, or other Proceeding at Law whatsoever, originated in or commenced, carried on or had in any of His Majesty's Courts of Great Sessions in