Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/370

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[A.D. 1824

Day of Hilary Term, or the said First Day of Trinity Term, on which the said Writ or Writs shall be made returnable as aforesaid; and Proclamation, if necessary, shall be made of such Fine or Fines at the next ensuing Great Sessions, and at the Two following Great Sessions, according to Law; and all such Fine and Fines shall operate and enure, and shall be equally binding upon all Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and upon all Parties privy thereto, from the said First Day of Hilary Term, and the said First Day of Trinity Term, in like Manner as if the same was or were levied during the Sitting of the Court of Great Sessions, within the Jurisdiction of which such Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments are situated.

27. And be it further enacted, That all and every Fine and Fines hereafter levied in Wales, shall take effect and enure, and be deemed complete from the Date of the Caption of the Acknowledgment taken in such Fine or Fines, and on the Payment of King's Silver due thereon, notwithstanding the Death or Deaths of any Party or Parties to such Fine or Fines after such Acknowledgment.

28. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this Act, any Person authorized to take Affidavits as a Commissioner in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, or a Master Extraordinary in the High Courts of Chancery in the United Kingdom, are hereby authorized to take any Affidavit of and concerning any Matter or Matters arising, or Fines or Recoveries levied or suffered within the said respective Courts of Great Sessions, in like Manner as any Affidavit is now taken in the said last-mentioned Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, or Chancery, of and concerning any Fines or Recoveries levied or suffered, or any Cause, Matter, or Thing depending or in anywise concerning any of the Proceedings arising or being within the last-mentioned Courts.

29. And for the better Regulation of Persons hereafter serving as Petit Jurymen at any of the said Courts of Great Sessions; be it further enacted, That from and after the First Day of July which shall be in the Year One thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, no Person shall be compellable to serve on any Petit Jury at any such Court of Great Sessions, unless he possess an Estate of Freehold or Copyhold of the clear yearly Value of Eight Pounds or upward, or any Estate for the Term of any Life or Lives, or for the