Page:The steam engine fulfilling prophecy.. (IA steamenginefulfi00fenn).pdf/15

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don’t want to be bothered with him. Canaan can go and work out his own salvation, and I will send missionaries and teachers to help him, and I will call on the forces of nature to do my hardest work." And the result is, that we have engines now in use, one of which can easily do the work of ten thousand men.

Chambers' Encyclopaedia says of the first great pyramid of the Cheops, that it took a long time for its construction, one hundred thousand men being employed on it for thirty years or more, probably for about half a century. And some of our mechanical mathematicians have figured out that one of our engines does as much work as twenty-seven thousand of those men could do.

The question we propose to consider in the following pages is, did the inspired writers, in their prophetic visions, get any glimpses of the steam-engine? because, if they did, it is additional proof, if any were needed, that Christianity is founded on the Rock of Eternal Ages, and that Infidelity is built on the sinking sand.

We are well aware that the subject we are