Page:The steam engine fulfilling prophecy.. (IA steamenginefulfi00fenn).pdf/18

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edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. And there were also other histories and records of many other famous things, all of which Christian had a view, as of things both ancient and modern, with prophecies and predictions as to their certain accomplishment, to the dread and amazement of enemies and to the comfort and solace of pilgrims. Now, every one that is competent to judge, will admit that the steam-engine is the most famous of all modern famous things. And John Bunyan says that a Christian views modern famous things from the records in the study at the palace called Beautiful.

Because all steam-engineers are not saints, any more than any other class of men are, that is no evidence whatever that the steam-engine has not come by divine appointment. The most sacred piece of mechanical work that we know anything about is what is known as the ark of the testimony, or the ark of the covenant. Readers of the Bible know that this ark was an oblong