Page:The steam engine fulfilling prophecy.. (IA steamenginefulfi00fenn).pdf/45

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working qualities and tenacity, is probably the most useful and valuable of metals. Iron accommodates itself to all our wants and desires, and even to our caprices. It is a medicine of much virtue and the only metal friendly to the human frame. In its primitive position it is commingled with the earth's strata in bountiful profusion; it is found in various combinations and conditions in every formation, and it is a constituent element of both animals and vegetables.

Now we shall not attempt to mystify any-thing, but we shall let historical facts speak for themselves, on this ruling with a rod of iron.

In the year 1837, Queen Victoria ascended the throne of Great Britain, and during the early years of her reign, George Stephenson, the inventor of the locomotive-engine, was one of her right-hand men. In an editorial on the Queen's Jubilee, the (Cleveland) Leader says: "The fifty years of Queen Victoria's reign have been the golden era of the world's history, in which the people of Great Britain, next to our own, have played the most conspicuous part. The same racial impulses and characteristics that have