Page:The steam engine fulfilling prophecy.. (IA steamenginefulfi00fenn).pdf/47

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The statistical report of the American Iron and Steel Association for 1889, says that the world’s annual production of Iron ore is more than fifty-three million tons, of coal two hundred and forty-six million tons. The report says that the world’s production of pig iron has increased seventy-six per cent. since 1878. The Hon. Edward Atkinson of Boston, and the Hon. Abram S. Hewitt, and others who have given this subject their careful consideration, maintain that the world’s present production of pig iron is twenty-eight million tons per year. And, basing their calculations upon the rate of increase for the past few years, they maintain that the world will want and must have not less than fifty six million’ tons of iron made in the year 1900. The impression is abroad that there will be almost an infinite demand for iron in the next few years, and that the rod of iron will rule all nations.

With the exception of what was made in England for a few years previous to that time, there is in all probability more iron produced now in one single year than there was in all the entire