Page:The steam engine fulfilling prophecy.. (IA steamenginefulfi00fenn).pdf/82

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then time is eternal. Hence, we say "the countless ages of eternity."

Now we think it is abundantly evident that the steam-engine is the mighty angel symbolized in the book of Revelation. We think that it is quite clear that the steam-engine is fulfilling every requirement and every obligation of this angel, and that when the steam-engine has accomplished its mission there will be no other mission of any kind for any angel to perform, either upon the earth or upon the sea.

The steam-engine, as we now have it, answers and fulfills every description of the man that the prophet Daniel saw clothed in linen. It literally fulfills Ezekiel's vision of the four-wheeled cherubim that could not move its own wings, "and they four had one likeness, as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel." Now every steam-engineer that has studied his profession knows just what wheel the prophet means. When this mighty angel has accomplished his mission the earth will be subdued.

In the fourteenth chapter of Revelation, we read of another angel, but the characteristics of