Page:The steam engine fulfilling prophecy.. (IA steamenginefulfi00fenn).pdf/96

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train, slackened their speed and moved slowly until they came within a short distance of what appeared to be the centre of the excitement; then they brought the train to a standstill and some men went on to see if the track had been tampered with. But the track had not been touched; it was just as they had left it, and no one was standing on it.

But at the side of the track a great wooden cross had been set into the ground, and by the side of the cross there was a notice forbidding the train to pass, and along both sides of the track were long rows of men dressed in priestly robes, with books in their hands reading some-thing. Of course our American engineers soon took in the whole situation; they saw what it all meant. They went back to their train and set their fire in order between the wheels, then the man's hand appeared upon the wings of the cherubim, and this mighty angel clothed itself with its cloud, and lifted up its voice above the voice of all that multitude, and with a majesty almost divine, it moved on past the multitude, and passed their priests, and past the notice