Page:The steam engine fulfilling prophecy.. (IA steamenginefulfi00fenn).pdf/98

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At length the star of science rose,
This darkness to dispel,
Creation's mysteries to disclose,
And nature's wonders tell.
Upon her balmy wings she bore
The thoughts of man away,
And bade him boundless worlds explore,
No more in darkness stay.
She bade him walk the ethereal blue,
Where countless planets shine,
With knowledge pure his mind imbue
Knowledge almost divine.
Glad man obeyed; to him the key
Of Knowledge then was given;
The elements obeyed his will
And owned him child of heaven.
The lightning's glare that rends the sky
When storms in anger meet,
Dread agent of destruction's power,
Falls harmless at his feet.
He rides upon the briny deep,
Where foaming billows rise;
O'er rocks and hills and billows steep,
With will he swiftly flies.
And science shows His handiwork,
Who made this world of ours,
And bids us reverence and adore
The God of wondrous powers.