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Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/315

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Agility of the flute, 95

Agricola, 27

"Airs with variations," 109

Almain whistle, the, 74

Altès, H., 205

Alto flutes, 88-91

America, the flute in, 225
———the Böhm introduced, 227
———early players, 225
—————flute-dealers, 226
———later players, 226
———native-born players, 228

American authors, flute in, 236, 242

Amory's Life of John Buncle, 258

Ancient players of note, 12

Andersen, Miss, 223

Animals, effect of the flute on, 264

Antiquity of the flute, 1

Apuleius, 5

Arab "Nay," the, 6

Arbeau's Orchesographie, 74

"Archool," the, 9

"Arigot," the, 75

Art, the flute in, 25, 35, 189n.

Ashe, 207

"Aulos," the, 6

Australian flautist, 229

Automaton flute-players, 257

Avison, Musical Expression, 178

Bach, J. S., his flute passages, 118, 121
———flute obligatos, 119
———his flute sonatas, 102
———flauto-piccolo in, 121

Bacon on flutes, fifes, and recorders, 34

Balance of tone, 120

Barrett, W. L., 214
———his flute, 71

Bass flutes, 87-8
—————in Handel, 123

Bayr, George, 97

Beaked flutes, 16

Beethoven's flute sonata, 103
———piccolo in, 82, 142
——Leonora, No. 3, 143
———symphonies, 139
———the "Pastorale," 140

Berbiguier's life, 196
———compositions, 104

Berlioz, 161-163
———piccolo in, 82-85, 163 —————remarks on, 81

Best keys for flute music, 99

Bianchini, Signora, 222

Bible, flute in the, 10, 237, 270

Bibliography, magazine articies, 282
———treatises, 281

Biglioni, 41

Birmingham flute society, 72

Bishop's Lo, hear the Gentle Lark, 86, 113

Bizet's Carmen, 83, 166

Blavet, M., 35, 101

Blicher, S, S., 249