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Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/319

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Keys on recorders, 18

King Henry VIII., 19, 76, 192

Kircher, 17, 32

Kohler, E. , 219

Koppitz, 97

Krakamp, 206n.

Krantz, 219

Kreith, 206n.

Kuhlau and his compositions, 105
———his friendship with Beethoven, 106
———his successors, 107

Kusder, 38, 42

Kyle, John, 228

La Barre, 35

Lady flautistes, 220
—————ancient, 221
—————modern, 223
—————American, 223

Lady Maket flutes, 5

Lahou, 206n.

Lamia, 221

Lanier, Sidney, 229, 246

Le Thiere, 81

Left-handed flautists, 196

Legendary date of invention of the flute, 2

Legends about the flute, 249-251

Lemmone, J., 229

Lemon-sucking, effect of, 261

Literary flautists, 246-8

Loeillet, J. B., 100

Lorenzo, L. de, 228

Lorenzoni's instruction book, 277

Love-flutes of American Indians, etc., 268

Lulli, 117

Luscinius, 27

Macgregor's bass and alto flutes, 87, 90

Machault and Deschamps, 26

Magic Flute, The, 137

Mahault's Tutor, 276

Marschner, 82

Marsyas, 3

"Mashrokitha," the Hebrew, 10, 237, 270

Massenet, 83

Materials for flute-tubes, 278

Mathews, J., and his flute, 72

Mendelssohn, 155-158
———his symphonies, 157
——Midsummer Night's Dream, 155
———use of low register, 156
———piccolo in, 158

Merci, L., 101

Mersenne's description, 29, 32

Metal flutes, 278

Mexican and Peruvian flutes, 267, 269

Meyerbeer, 148-152
———curious combinations in, 149
———his use of the flute, 150
———obligato for two flutes, 151
———piccolo in, 148

Midas, story of, 3

Military fifes and drums, 76-79

Minerva, Ascham on, 270n.

Modern flute composers, 112
———French composers, 165-6

Modern Musick Master, The, 22, 276

Molé, Charles, 228

Mollenhauer's mouth-piece. 257

Monteverde's Orfeo, 117

Mouth-piece, Townley's, 255
———Mollenhauer's, 257
———Wheatstone's, 256

Mozart, flute passages, 135-138
———his flute concertos, 138
———his operas, 137

———his Symphonies and Serenades, 136