Page:The strange story book.djvu/24

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Wolfert finds a Stranger at the Inn To face p. 4

The Face of the Drowned Buccanee:,, 18

The Tlingit Chief finds his Wife is ill,, 28

The Sailors drink the Health of Amazon Snell,, 40

Rip finds the Dwarfs playing Ninepins,, 51

Athenodorus confronts the Spectre .. 80

Maclean and Plunket stop Lord Eglinton's

Carriage,, 92

The Highlanders demand the Captain's Horse for the Prince 131

'I am Strength,' said he, 'and I am going to help you',, 152

How the Chief's Death was avenged,, 155

Aurore rescued by Deschartres from a Watery Grave,, 198

The Dead Son helps his Parents,, 202

'Here!' said a Voice 212

How the Stranger on the Unicorn arrived on the Scene,, 228

Formosante's Drug works,, 242

'What beautiful birds! I should like to marry one of them!",, 280

Catalina rescued by the young Officer,, 298

Had it not been for the Interference of the Bishop himself, it would have gone hardly with Catalina,, 308