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months,’ replied the bird. ‘Exactly the same age as the change that takes place in the heavens known as the “precession of the equinoxes,” but there are many creatures now existing on the earth far older than I. It is about twenty-two thousand years since I learned Chaldæan. I have always had a taste for it. But in this part of the world the other animals gave up speaking when men formed the habit of eating them.’

‘I never knew they did speak,’ replied the Princess, deeply interested in spite of her woes.

‘Not know that they spoke? Why, the earliest fables all begin with the words “Once upon a time when beasts talked,” but that is long ago! Of course, many women still talk to their dogs, but the dogs determined not to answer them; they were so angry at being forced by whips to go and hunt their brothers.

‘There are besides many stories which allude to conversations with horses, and their drivers still speak to them, as you know, but so very rudely that the horses which once loved men, now hate the whole race.’

Formosante nodded her head; she had sometimes been shocked at the language of the Babylonian charioteers.

‘The land where dwells my master,’ continued the bird, ‘is perhaps the only one in the world where animals are treated with proper respect, and where, therefore, they consent to live happily with man.’

‘And where is that?’ asked the Princess eagerly.

‘It is in the country of the Gangarids beyond the Ganges that Amazon my master was born. He is no king—indeed I hardly think he would condescend to be one—and, like his countrymen, he is a shepherd. But you must not suppose him to be one of the shepherds such as those you know, whose sheep are usually far better dressed than themselves. The shepherds of the Gangarids own immense flocks, for it is considered one of the blackest crimes to kill a sheep—and their wool, as fine as silk, is sought after all over the East. The soil is so rich that corn and fruits grow for the asking, while diamonds can be chipped from every rock. They have no