Page:The thirty-six dramatic situations (1921).djvu/159

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ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS Abeille: Lyncee XXIII Arhaeus: (Edipus XVIII Adam (Paul): L'Automne VIII Les Mouctli XXIII Adam de la Halle: Le Jeu <!<• la Feuillee 'I1 Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion X Adonis: Les Revolt es III Aeschylus: The Suppliants 1 The Heraclidae I The Eumenides I The Eleusinians I Danae I The Mysians I The Phrygians I The Propom I The Epigones 1 1 1 The Argives III The Perrhoebide 1 1 1 Ixion III The Nereids III Penelope ill Les Joueura d'osselel III and VII The ( !hoephoree I Atalanta l Prometheui Bound and VII The Persian I The Myrmidoi VI The Salaminiai I TheGui VII Nemea I 1 1 t i B 3 A 1 B •i A S C 1 A A 5 A 1 A 1 A 1

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