Page:The three bears.djvu/17

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The Story of the Three Bears

But no one she saw, so she got into bed—
It was surly old Bruin's, and well stuffed with lead.
Mammy Muffs next she tried; it was stuffed with round stones,
So she got into Tiny-cub's and rested her bones.
Goldenhair was asleep when the three bears came in.
Said Big Bruin, "I'm hungry to eat, let's begin—
"Who has been to my porridge?" he roared with such might;
His voice was like wind down the chimney at night.
"Who has been to my porridge?" growled out Mrs. B——;
Her voice was like cats fighting up in a tree.
"Who has been to my porridge and eaten it all?'
Young Tiny-cub said, in a voice very small,
"Who has been sitting in my great arm chair?"
In voice like a thunder-storm, roared the big bear
"Who has been sitting in my good arm chair?
Growled out Mammy Muff, like a sow in despair.
"Who has sat in my nice chair, and broken it down?"
Young Tiny-cub said, and so fierce was his frown,
That his mother with pride to his father said, "There!
See our pet Tiny-cub can look just like a bear,"
So roaring, and growling, and frowning, the bears.
One after the other, came running up-stairs.
"Who has been upon my bed?" old Bruin roared out,
In a voice just like rain down a large water-spout.
"Who has been upon my bed?" growled out Mammy Muff,

In a voice like her husband's, but not quite so rough.