Page:The tourist's guide to Lucknow.djvu/60

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asked frequently, but calmly, how long he had to live. When one of them, more directly appealed to, pronounced, with sorrowing hesitation, the fatal verdict, 'Not many hours, Sir,' he turned to the Chaplain for the Church's ministrations. The enemy (who throughout the siege had the best intelligence) would appear to have already known of our Chief's state and his place of shelter. Almost immediately after his removal from his own quarters a close continuous fire poured in on Doctor Fayrer's house, and the balls were flying thick as we gathered round to partake of what was to him, and to many others also, the last sacrament. Not one of us was touched! Yet scarcely had he been removed into an inner room and our party dispersed, when two casualties occurred at the very place where we had so lately stood and knelt: the officer in command of the guard and a private were seriously wounded.

"The Communion ended, he lay, for nearly an hour, talking during the intervals of severe pain. Who will forget the deep humility and penitence expressed by this good and noble man for the sins and shortcomings of his life, and the meek, yet steadfast, faith in his Saviour? He spoke most unreservedly of those things in affectionately warning solicitude for the friends around him. He had words of counsel for all in his farewell: some he thanked tenderly for their service and affection: but it was, perhaps, still more touching to listen to his appeals for forgiveness (for who has not offended?) from others, to whom in the course of his duty, he imagined, that he might have spoken, or acted, harshly. His directions for our conduct of the defence were most decided. He appointed Major Banks[1] and Brigadier Inglis[2] as his successors in command (the latter subordinate) and distinctly declared that it should be in military hands. Sir Henry had acted most wisely; and now, he said, that there was nothing but to fight and to endure. There was to be no thought of making terms; relief might be looked for in a month, but if two should elapse before succour came, we must still hope on; and, rather than surrender, die to a man. The thought of the women and children he was leaving in such peril seemed to affect him deeply. God help the or women and children; 'Take care of the poor women and children,' was his frequent cry. The fear for

  1. Major Banks became the senior Political Officer in Lucknow when Sir E. Lawrence died. His diary was found in the city of Lucknow, on the 3rd June, 1858, in the house of a rebel, but in a defaced condition.
  2. Brigadier Inglis died at Hamburg, Germany, September 27th, 1862. A monument is erected in the Residency to the memory of our gallant General.