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"And you will help me save John Graham?" she cried.

"I'll have a big job before me to complete my work before this trial. There'll be plenty of witnesses to swear anything the Government wants, but I'll do my best."

"Thank you."

With a cordial grasp of the hand Ackerman took his leave and Stella hastened to confer with the Attorney General.

"I've come to demand the immediate release of Mr. Graham on the absurd charge that has been made against him," she began impetuously.

The General looked at her in astonishment. "Hoity toity! My dear Miss, not so fast."

"You began this at my request. I demand that it cease."

"Yes, yes, I see, but you have forgotten that greater issues are at stake than even the lives of two men."

"I'll have nothing to do with the prosecution of an innocent man, General Champion."

"Even so, you have set in motion forces you can not control. The fate of Mr. Graham is fixed. He is the Chief of the Klan. He's as sure of conviction as the fact that he is to be put on trial. I'll see that he is tried and that all the resources of the Government are used to secure his conviction."