Page:The traitor; a story of the fall of the invisible empire (IA traitorstoryoffa00dixo).pdf/354

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and glancing at Stella with a sneer of triumph, he shouted to his henchmen:

"Say what you please, boys—don't mind the ladies!"

Stella turned her eyes, gleaming with a deadly purpose, straight on Steve, and a revolver flashed from her hand into his face. He dodged, trembled, and crouched against the wall, while she sternly said:

"Now lift your hand or open your mouth, you contemptible sneak and coward!"

A cry of terror swept the dark crowd, and scores broke and fled.

"As John appeared in the doorway, Stella turned to the Negroes and in ringing tones cried:

"I dare one of you black loafers to offer a single insult to the man whose love I hold dearer than my life. I'll kill you as I would a dog."

Revolver in hand, with stern set face and flaming eyes she opened the way through which John Graham passed in silence.

At the station a crowd of friends gathered and cheered his departure.

Old Nicaroshinski slipped a hundred dollars in his hand and whispered in broken voice:

"Don't—don't you vorry, me poy, ve'll puild a monumendt to you in de public squvare yedt!"

Stella was allowed to sit by his side in the car,