Page:The traitor; a story of the fall of the invisible empire (IA traitorstoryoffa00dixo).pdf/51

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She took the money, grinned again and said:


"Now, what have you been giggling about?"

"Mr. Johtt Graham wuz here last night!"

"So I'll hear. Did he see Miss Stella?"

"Deed he did! Dat's what dey all come fur. She so purty dey can't hep it."

"How long did he stay?"

"Till atter midnight!"


"Yassah!" Maggie went on, walling het eyes with tragic earnestness. "She play de pianer fur 'im long time in de parlour, an' he sing fur her an' den she sing fur him."

Steve cleared his throat angrily.

"Yassah! an' atter dey git froo singin' she take him out fur er stroll on de lawn an' dey go way down in de fur corner an' set in one er dem rustics fur 'bout er hour. Den dey come in an' bof un 'em set in de moonlight in de hammock right close side an' side, and he talk low an' sof, an' she laugh, an' laugh, an' hit 'im wid er fan—jesso! Yassah. Sh! She comin' row!"

The girl darted out of sight as Stella's dress rustled in the hall above.

Steve pulled himself together with ah effort, and met het at the foot of the stairs.

She made an entrancing picture as she slowly