Page:The travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch - Volume I.djvu/189

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Travels of Macarius.

Book IV.

Sect. I.

Cossack Country.—Rashkobao.

We departed early the next morning, which was Saturday the tenth of the month Hazirân; and came to the bank of the great river Istrus, which is the extreme frontier of Moldavia, and the first of the Cossack Country. We passed the stream in boats; and our Lord the Patriarch put on his Μαντύα, and in his right-hand was his cross: for in this country of the Cossacks, and in Muscovy, it is not usual for the blessing to be given otherwise: and in his left was his silver crosier. He had sent them a letter the preceding evening, to inform them of his arrival: and, as soon as we stepped out of the boat on the ground, we raised a gilt wooden cross, which we had made in Moldavia, on the top of a red spear of great height, for one of the Priests to carry it; according to the practice of this country, where no person raises the cross upon a spear except the Patriarch. There were present to meet him some thousands of people, beyond computation of number, on whom be the blessing of God! I am speaking of the inhabitants of the town, the name of which is Rashkobao, which is a very large place, entirely built on the bank of the said river. It contains a castle and wooden fort, lined with cannon.

The first of the procession were the seven Priests, with their Φελόνιας and crosses, there being seven churches in the town: then came the Deacons, with their numerous banners and torches: after them the Sotniks or keeper of the castle and town, and the Commander of the forces with his troops, and the people of the choir, singing beautiful prayers with one voice. They all threw them selves on the ground before the Patriarch, kneeling until he was conducted into the church. There remained not one in the city, not even a little child or infant that did not come out to meet him. We alighted at the house of an Archon.