Page:The travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch - Volume I.djvu/48

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Travels of Macarius.

The station of the Chiefs of the Priesthood (Archbishops) within the church is from the left-hand of the Patriarch to the church door. On his other hand are stationed the Κληρός (Clergy), and the singers or chaplains, as far as very near the door of the Tabernacle; so that the northern side of the church is left entirely to the common priests and the deacons. There is, of course, upon the southern door of the Tabernacle, the figure of the Cherubim with the flaming sword.

Sect. V.


On the eve of the Sunday of the Rich and Helper (الغني والعازر), the Patriarch of Constantinople sent to take our master to church, to evening prayer. During the day, he had sent him a Συστατιϰὸν, with his own signature and that of the chief clergy; bearing permission for him to go and perform mass on the morrow in the church of St. John the Baptist, in Kum Kapi, according to the custom of all the Patriarchs: and he had issued orders to the clergy of the other churches in that quarter to forego the performance of their own masses, and to assemble all together in the aforesaid church, to assist at the mass of our Lord the Patriarch. They came, in consequence, to visit us immediately, and invited the Patriarch overnight to the ceremony of the morrow; which was the aforesaid Sunday, when we embarked in a boat, and, going round the Emperor's Seraglio, passed behind it. Here they shewed us the Gate of Romanus, mentioned in the Συναξάρια, which is now closed up. Near it is an Ἁγίασμα (Holy Well), resorted to by the Christians on the day of the Divine Manifestation (التجلي). This side of the city walls was built by the Emperor Theophilus, and it is still inscribed with his name, in large Greek characters, thus:

Θεόφιλος ἐν Χρίστῳ πιστὸς βασιλεὺς Ῥωμαίων ϰαὶ αὐτοϰράτωρ.

Near Kum Kapi, among the towers on the beach, they shewed us the Tower of the Emperor Leon (Λέων, Leo) the Wise, wherein was the wonderful mirror which was broken by Michael the son of Theophilus. Close to it is an ancient Mosque or Cathedral (جامع), which they say was formerly a Christian church, and the continual abode of St. John Chrysostom.

We pursued our way till we came to the Scala or landing-place of Kum Kapi, where we stepped out of the boat. The name of Kum Kapi was