Page:The travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch - Volume II.djvu/129

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Part the Sixth.

Moscow, and Novogorod.

Book XI.



Sect. I.

Eastern Ceremonies.—Reasons alleged for the Use of Red Eggs.

In the middle of the night preceding the Great Passover (الفصح العظيم), which fell on the 10th of the month Nisan, they rang the bells of all the churches in the city, till the earth shook and trembled: and the people entered their churches, to be present at the Ἀνάστασις, according to custom, leaving their homes in the dead of night. But of the Great Church they did not ring the bells till about three hours before day-break. Thither we went: and as soon as the Patriarch of Moscow was come, we entered the sanctuary, to put on our copes: after which he distributed candles to the attendants; and they went round the table, and went out in procession في باعوث), through the door of the tabernacle of sacrifice, to the outside of the church door on the north side, till they came to the Catholic door on the west; where they stopped, and performed the usual ceremony of the Ἀνάστασις. Then the Patriarch opened the door, and they entered the church: he went up to his throne : the rest formed a choir, chaunting the Canon for Easter. But it was far and widely different from the service of the Greek Church (صلاة الروم); and the solemnity was much removed from that exultation which takes place in our country, and from that tumultuous joy and gladness and clapping of hands. After the prayers, they entered the sanctuary, for the Patriarch of Moscow to lay aside his sakkos (صاكوص), which, from its weight, is insupportable, and has been recently made for him quite new, of yellow Venetian brocade embroidered with pure gold, of which the ell is worth more than fifty dinars, set all round its train, sleeves, and sides,

Vol. II.