Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/198

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$8,000,000,000 of value, instead of the present $691,000,000. The addition of this vast sum to the wealth-production of the country north and west of here would mean much to every farmer, every banker, every business man, and every railroad employee in the country.

These startling figures emphasize that there is a great responsibility upon the man engaged in agriculture in improving his efficiency, and also a responsibility upon all in seeing that hand in hand with the development of agriculture shall go proper development of the banking and transportation interests of the country.

How about the banking capacity of the American Northwest? The growth of the banks in these states from less than $9,000,000 capital in 1880 to $195,000,000 in 1912 shows clearly that this agency has been keeping pace with the growth of the country, and in the whole United States the growth has been from $825,000,000 in 1880 to $4,164,914,181 in 1912. To-day there are more than 3360 banks in the American Northwest, taking care of