Page:The truth about the railroads (IA truthaboutrailro00elli).pdf/27

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which have not been so common in the last twenty-five years as they were when our country began its work of becoming a great nation.

The average American citizen has good common sense. He lives in the best country in the world, has the best institutions, by far the best and cheapest rail transportation in the world, and if the individual will exercise his common sense there is no limit to the progress that this great nation will make. If he does not, there will be increasing danger of a change in our institutions, so that the railroads and corporations, which are and should be powerful instruments for good, will be crippled, and later on the foundations of the Government itself will be shaken.

Every patriotic individual should do his part to counteract the foolish talk and insidious influences that are at work in the land and should exercise his mental and moral strength.

Say not the days are evil — who’s to blame?
And fold the hands and acquiesce — O shame;
Stand up, speak out — and bravely — in God’s name.”
