Page:The varieties of religious experience, a study in human nature.djvu/546

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Consistency, 296.
Conversion, to avarice, 178.
Conversion, Fletcher's, 181; Tolstoy's, 184; Bunyan's, 186; in general, Lectures IX and X, passim; Bradley's, 189; compared with natural moral growth, 199; Hadley's, 201; two types of, 205 ff.; Brainerd's, 212; Alline's, 217; Oxford graduate's, 221; Ratisbonne's, 223; instantaneous, 227; is it a natural phenomenon? 230; subliminal action involved, in sudden cases, 236, 240; fruits of, 237; its momentousness, 239; may be supernatural, 242; its concomitants: sense of higher control, 244, happiness, 248, automatisms, 250, luminous phenomena, 251; its degree of permanence, 256.
Cosmic consciousness, 398.
Counter-conversion, 176.
Courage, 265, 287.
Crankiness, see Psychopathy.
Crichton-Browne, 384, 386.
Criminal character, 263.
Criteria of value of spiritual affections, 18.
Crump, 239.
Cure of bad habits, 270.

Daudet, 167.
Death, 139, 364.
Derham, 493.
Design, argument from, 438, 492 ff.
Devoutness, 340.
Dionysius Areopagiticus, 416.
Disease, 99, 113.
Disorder in contents of world, 438.
Divided Self, Lecture VIII, passim; Cases of: Saint Augustine, 172, H. Alline, 173.
Divine, the, 31.
Dog, 281.
Dogmatism, 326, 333.
Dowie, 113.
Dresser, H. W., 96, 99, 289, 516.
Drink, 268.
Drummer, 476.
Drummond, 262.
Drunkenness, 387, 403, 488.
'Dryness,' 204.
Dumas, 279.
Dyes, on clothing, 294.

Earnestness, 264.
Ecclesiastical spirit, the, 335, 338.
Eckhart, 417.
Eddy, 106.
Edwards, Jonathan, 20; 114, 200, 229, 238, 239, 248, 330.
Edwards, Mrs. J., 276, 280.
Effects of religious states, 21.
Effeminacy, 365.
Ego of Apperception, 449.
Ellis, Havelock, 418.
Elwood, 292.
Emerson, 32, 56, 167, 205, 239, 330.
Emotion, as alterer of life's value, 150; of the character, 195, 261 ff., 279.
Empirical method, 18, 327 ff., 443.
Enemies, love your, 278, 283.
Energy, personal, 196; mystical states increase it, 414.
Environment, 356, 374.
Epictetus, 474.
Epicureans, 143.
Equanimity, 284.
Ether, mystical effects of, 392.
Evil, ignored by healthy-mindedness, 88, 106, 131; due to things or to the Self, 134; its reality, 163.
Evolutionist optimism, 91.
Excesses of piety, 340.
Excitement, its effects, 195, 266, 279, 325.
Experience, religious, the essence of, 508.
Extravagances of piety, 339, 486.
Extreme cases, why we take them, 486.

Failure, 139.
Faith, 246, 506.
Faith-state, 505.
Fanaticism, 338 ff.
Fear, 98, 159, 161, 263, 275.
Feeling deeper than intellect in religion, 431.
Fielding, 436.
Finney, 207, 215.
Fletcher, 98, 181.
Flournoy, 67, 514.
Flower, 476.
Foster, 178, 383.
Fox, George, 7, 291, 335, 411.
Francis, Saint, d'Assisi, 319.
Francis, Saint, de Sales, 11.
Fraser, 454.
Fruits, of conversion, 237; of religion, 327; of Saintliness, 357.
Fuller, 41.

Gamond, 288.
Gardiner, 269.
Genius and insanity, 16.
Geniuses, see Religious leaders.
Gentleman, character of the, 317, 371.
Gertrude, Saint, 345.
'Gifts,' 151.
Glory of God, 342.