Page:The water-babies.djvu/13

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Playing Leap frog over the Posts 2
And some because they want to climb Alps 6
On they went 7
Trudging along with a Bundle at her Back 9
And began dipping his ugly Head into the Spring 12
"I was told to expect thee" 14
And bade them begin in a lofty and tremendous Voice 19
Up jumped the little white Lady in her Bed 23
And gave Chase to poor Tom 25
And gave Chase to Tom likewise 26
Then he saw Lizards 31
Play by me, bathe in me, Mother and Child 37
The Girls began to cry 44
The Boys began to laugh 45
"What art thou, and what dost want?" cried the old Dame 46
She had stepped down into the cool clear Water 50
They may be just what makes the World go round 53
Somebody would have caught one at least 61
People call them Pterodactyles 65
No Water-babies, indeed? 66
Cousin Cramchild's Arguments 67
Tom was quite alive, and cleaner, and merrier than he ever had been 70
When all the World is young, Lad 72
And every Lass a Queen 74
