Page:The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld volume 1.djvu/27

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on board a ship inclosed in a cask, and conveyed to England. Here he settled and had a son who became a clergyman of the Establishment, and on the marriage of one of the daughters of George II. to the elector of Hesse was appointed her chaplain, and attended her to Cassel. At / this place his son Rochemont was born and passed his childhood : on the breaking up of the household of the electress he spent a year at Paris, and then accompanied his father to England, who destined him for the church, but, somewhat unadvisedly, sent him for previous instruction to the dissenting seminary of Warrington. The principles which he here imbibed, impelled him to renounce all his expectations from the Establishment; though by such a renunciation, which threw him upon the world without a profession and without fortune, he raised obstacles which might well have appeared insuperable, to the completion of that union on which he had long rested