Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/194

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io8 Anne BradJlreeVs Works.

But maugre all, that I, or foes could do That P/icenix from her Bed, is rifen New.* Old facred Zion., I demoIifhd thee. Lo great Diana's Temple was by me, And more then bruitilh Sodom, for her luft With neighbouring Towns, I did confume to duft What fliall I fay of Lightning and of Thunder Which Kings & mighty ones amaze with wonder. Which made a Ccrfar, (^Ronics) the worlds proud

head, Foolilh Calignla creep under's bed. Of Meteors, ignis fat U7ts and the reft. But to leave thofe to th'wife, I judge it beft. ' The rich I oft make poor, the ftrong I maime, Not fparing Life when I can take the fame; And in a word, the world I fhall confume And all therein, at that great day of Doom; Not before then, fhall ceafe, my raging ire And then becaufe no matter more for fire Now Sifters pray proceed, each in your Courfe As I, impart your ufefulnefs and force.

  • This and the three preceding lines were not in the first edition. The

Great Fire of London did not take place until September, 1666.

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