Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/210

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124 Anne BradJireeVs Works.

She was the filentefl of all the four, [23]

Her wifdom fpake not much, but thought the more Mild" Flegme did not conteft for chiefefl" place, Only fhe crav'd to have a vacant fpace. Well, thus they parle and chide; but to be brief. Or will they, nill they, Choler will be chief They feing her impetuolity ^ At prefent yielded to neceffity.


'TT^O fhew my high -^ defcent and pedegree,

■■- Your felves would judge but vain prolixity; It is acknowledged from whence I came. It fhall fuffice to fhew-^ you what I am. My felf and mother one, as you fhall fee. But fhee in greater, I in lefs degree. We both once Mafculines, the world doth know. Now Feminines awhile, for love we owe Unto your Sifterhood, which makes us render Our noble felves in a lefs noble gender. Though under Fire we comprehend all heat, Yet man for Choler is the proper feat: I in his heart ere6l my regal throne, Where Monarch like I play and fway alone.

. « Cold. ■z' higheft. w imperiofity.

-V great. J' tel.

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