Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/236

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150 Anne Bradjlreefs Works.

With tears into the world I did arrive,

My mother ftill did wafte as I did thrive,

Who yet with love and all alacrity, [46]

Spending, was willing to be fpent for me.

With wayward cryes I did difturb her relt,

Who fought ftill to appeafe me with the breaft:

With weary arms the danc'd and By By fung,

When wretched I inm-ate had done the wrongf.

When infancy was palt, my childifhnefs

Did a6t all folly that it could exprefs.

My miinefs did only take delight

In that which riper age did fcorn and flight.

In Rattles, Baubles and fuch toyifh fluff.

My then ambitious thoughts were low enough:

My high-born foul lb ftraightly was confin'd,

That its own worth it did not know nor mind:

This little houfe of flefh did fpacious count.

Through ignorance all troubles did furmount;

Yet this advantage had mine ignorance

Freedom from envy and from arrogance.

How to be rich or great I did not cark,

A Baron or a Duke ne'r made my mark,

Nor fludious was Kings favours how to buy,

With coftly prefence"' or bafe flattery:

No office coveted wherein I might

Make ftrong my felf and turn afide weak right:

No malice bare to this or that great Peer,

Nor unto buzzing whifperers gave ear:

'■" prefent';.

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