Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/246

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i6o Afnie Bradjf reef's Works.

Then thought my ftate firm founded fure to lall, [54]

But in a trice 'tis ruin'd by a blaft,

Though cemented with more then noble bloud,

The bottom nought, and fo no longer flood/

Sometimes vain glory is the only baite

Whereby my empty Soul is lur'd and caught.

Be I of wit/ of learning, and of parts,

I judge I fhould have room in all mens hearts.

And envy gnaws if any do furmount,

I hate, not to be held in high'ft account.*"

If Bias like I'm ftript unto my skin,

I glory in my wealth I have within.'^

Thus good and bad, and what I am you fee,

Now in a word, what my difeafes be.

The vexing ftone in bladder and in reins.

The Strangury torments me with fore pains.'

The windy Cholick oft my bowels rend.

To break the darkfome prifon where it's pen'd.

The Cramp and Gout-^ doth fadly torture me.

And the refhraining, lame Sciatica.

The Aftma, Megrim, Palfy, Lethargic,

The quartan Ague, dropfy. Lunacy;'^

«• Instead of this and the three preceding lines, the first edition has, —

Then heapt up gold, and riches as the clay ;

Which others fcatter, like the dew in May. d worth. ' I hate for to be had, in fmall account.

/ Torments me with intollerable paines ; g The knotty Gout. A The Quinfie, and the Feavours, oft diftafte me.

And the Confumption, to the bones doth wafte me :

  • "Omnia mea porto mecum." — Bias, apud Ci'c. Parad. I. i. S.

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