Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/273

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The Four Alonarchies. t<^

��Ninias or Zamies.

��T TIS Mother dead, Ninias obtains his right,

-^ -^ A Prince wedded to eafe and to delight,

Or elfe was his obedience very great.

To fit thus long (obfcure) rob'd^ of his Seat.

Some write his Mother put his habit on,

Which made the people think they ferv'd her Son;

But much it is, in more then forty years

This fraud in war nor peace at all appears:

More like it is his luft'" with pleafures fed,

He fought no rule till fhe was gone and dead.

What then he did of worth can no man tell.

But is fuppofd to be that Amraphel

Who warr'd with Sodonis and Gomorrahs King,

'Gainft whom his trained bands Abraiii did bring.

But this is farre unlike, he being Son"

Unto a Father, that all Countryes won

I wrong'd. '« being.

« Instead of this and the nine lines following, the first edition has,

Some may objedt, his Parents ruling all,

How he thus fuddenlj fhould be thus fmall ?

This anfwer may fuffice, whom it wil pleaie,

He thus voluptuous, and given to eaie ;

Each wronged Prince, or childe that did remain.

Would now advantage take, their own to gain ;

So Province, after Province, rent away,

Until that Potent Empire did decay.

Again, the Country was left bare (there is no doubt)

Of men, and wealth, his mother carried out;

Which to her neighbors, when it was made known.

Did then incite, them to regain their own.

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