Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/280

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194 Aniie Bi^adjl reefs Works.

That he and Belochus could not one be.

��But Circumftance doth prove the verity;

And times of both computed fo fall out,

That thefe two made but one, w^e need not doubt;

What elfe he did, his Empire to advance.

To reft content we muft, in ignorance.

Forty eight years he reign'd, his race then run,

He left his new got Kingdome to his Son.


��TigJafh Pulafsar. [80]

T3ELOSUS dead, Tiglath his warlike Son,

-*— '^ Next treads thofe fteps, by which his Father won ;

Datnafciis ancient Seat, of famous Kings

Under fubje6tion, by his Sword he brings.

Rejin their valiant King he alfo flew.

And Syria t' obedience did fubdue.

yudas bad King occafioned this war,

When Rejins force his Borders fore did marre.

And divers Cities b}^ ftrong hand did feaze:

To Tigiath then, doth Ahaz fend for eafe,

The Temple robs, fo to fulfil his ends,

And to Ajfyria's King a prefent fends.

I am thy Servant and thy Son, (quoth he)

From Rejln^ and from Pekah fet me free.

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