Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/322

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236 Anne Bradji reefs W^orks.

The two tiiii^ Ions (are by Hiftorians thought)

By fair Queen Efther'" to her husband brought;

If fo they were," the greater was her moan,

That for fuch gracelefs wretches the did groan.

Revolting" Egypt 'gainft this King rebels,

His Garifons drives out that 'mongft them^ dwells;

Joyns with the Greeks, and fo maintain their right

For lixty years, maugre the Perjians might.

A fecond trouble after this fucceeds, \j-^\\

Which from remifsnefs in Lefs AJia breeds.^

Aniorg-es, whom for Vice-Roy he ordain'd.

Revolts, treafure and people having gain'd,

Plunders' the Country, & much mifchief wrought

Before things could to quietnefs be brought.

The King was glad with Sparta to make peace,

That fo he might thole troubles " foon appeafe :

But they in Ajia muft firll rellore

All towns held by his Anceftors before.

The King much profit reaped by this league,"

Regains his own, then doth the Rebel break,. .

Whofe ftrength by Grecians help was overthrown,'"

And fo each man again poffell his own.

This King Canibifes like his lifter wed.

To which his pride, more then his lull him led:-^

I Thele two lewd. '« To be by Hejier. « If they were hers.

o Dilquiet. /* therein. I in Ajta proceeds.

r their. ■> Invades. t trouble.

u thele tumults. ■" reapeth, by thefe leagues.

'I' Whole forces by their helpe were overthrown.

-^ The King, his liller, like CambyJ'es. wed : More by his pride, then lult, thereunto led.

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