Page:The works of Anne Bradstreet in prose and verse.djvu/380

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294 Anne Bradjl reefs Works.

Crate7^iis doth his daughter Phila wed

Their friendfhip might the more be ftrengthened.

Whilft they in Macedon do thus agree,

In AJia they all afunder be,

Perdiccas griev'd to fee the princes bold

So many Kingdomes in their power to hold,

Yet to regain them, how he did not know,

His ^ fouldiers 'gainft thofe captains would not goe

To fufter them go on as they begun.

Was to give way himfelf might be undone.

With Antipater to joyne he fometimes thought.

That by his help, the reft might low be brought,

But this again diflikes; he would remain,

If not in ftile, in deed a foveraign;"

(For all the princes of great Alexander

Acknowledged for Chief that old Commander)

Delires the King to goe to Macedon.,

Which once was of his Anceftors the throne.

And by his prefence there to nullitie

The a6ts of his Vice-Roy " now grown fo high.

Antigomis of treafon tirft attaints.

And fummons him to anfwer his ™ complaints.

This he avoids, and fhips himfelf and fon, [1^4]

goes to A7itipater and tells what's done.

He and Craterus, both with him do joyne.

And 'gainft Perdiccas all their ftrength combine.

^ Phi/a. s For's. i word.

« The next two lines are not in the first edition. » Vice-rojes, w thele.

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